The Word At Work
"The Little Book With A BIG Message”
Have you lost you joy at work? Do you wake up in the morning, dreading another day on the job? Are you facing an adverse situation with a boss or coworker? Do you race to check out at 5:00 p.m.? Well, all of this can drastically change!
Congratulations! This little booklet has the dynamic power to make your life exciting and fulfilling on the job! If you apply the Word of God at Work, you will experience a "new attitude” in the workplace that will absolutely amaze you! This booklet contains biblical confessions for various personal and job-related areas. All you have to do is believe it in your heart, and speak it out of your mouth. Just consider this: If God spoke the world into existence with words, then surely you can use this same anointed process to "change your life” in the workplace. If you are on the job God purposed for your life at this time, then this booklet will be a great source of power and inspiration to you. It will be a valuable resource as well.
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