From Slavery to Lady Liberty
The Statue of Liberty is America's world-renowned, iconic symbol of freedom. It stands as a guiding light for immigrants looking for opportunity and a way of life...or so the history books say. However, recent evidence indicates that the Statue of Liberty may have been intended to honor African-American slaves.
In this book, From Slavery to Lady Liberty, Apostle Alton R. Williams has compiled several news articles and reports that attempt to discover the true origin of the Statue of Liberty. In addition, Williams demonstrates, through Scripture, that God vehemently opposes slavery and desires to liberate African-Americans. Slavery was a double-edged sword. It was a consequence of sin and idolatry. Yet, God used it to bring liberation.
Although blacks have sought justice and equality for the pain endured through slavery and racial prejudice, our cries have been to no avail. Only repentance, the breaking of generational curses and a return to God and His righteousness will enable us to achieve justice and enjoy the freedom Lady Liberty extends to us, which is the freedom Christ died for us to possess.
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