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The Teacher's Prayer & Resource Book

The Teacher's Prayer & Resource Book

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The Teacher's Prayer & Resource Book
by Apostle Alton R. Williams
Here is the book that you have been waiting for!  Your own Teacher's Prayer and Resource Book.  It's true that today's teachers face challenges that previous generations never encountered, such as weapons on campus, gang activity, student threats, increased classroom behavioral problems, lack of faculty unity, lack of parental participation and many other problems. 
However, what would happen if teachers begin to pray?  What would happen if our schools began to experience a manifestation of God's presence or revival on campus?  Remember, the Word of God says:
If my people who are called by my name, would humble themselves, pray, seek my face, turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from Heaven, forgive their sin and heal the land (2 Chronicles 7:14).
In this book, Alton R. Williams gives the Christian teacher a prayer tool that they can use to intercede for their school and believe God for their personal needs.  Each prayer is based upon the promises of God's own word.  God's word is His will and He will hear and answer any prayer established on His word.
This is also a resource book to assist Christian teachers in knowing their constitutional rights regarding religion on campus and what America's founding fathers said about education and Christianity in the schools.

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